Philippines Missions Ministry

This page is currently being refurbished and updated. Therefore it is not as complete as we would like, but, by clicking on the link below concerning our ministry among Tribal groups in Northern Luzon, you will get some idea of our ministry in that area of ministry.

Tribal Ministry Photo in Northern Luzon

In the near future, as we continue to update this, we can furnish photos of our involvement in:

  • Infant and child feeding programs.
  • Medical Clinics
  • Church Planting
  • The Home of Joy Orphanage we help support.

We have been involved in missions in the Philippines for over twenty years. We have trained hundreds of Pastors, Church Planters and Church Workers.

We have in the past, and continue to this day to support Church Planters taking the Gospel to areas that have remained un-evangelized to this present day.

When you provide financial support for this ministry, you are helping us to provide food for infants and children that otherwise would remain underfed and malnourished.

You are involving yourself in spreading the Gospel among many who have never heard the Gospel.

You are helping us clothe, house, feed and educate orphans.

Every penny of every dollar received through our radio and missions ministry goes into our radio and missions ministry, and I personally sign every receipt, and, we thank God for every penny received.

Please re-visit this website in the near future when it is completed.

Be Blessed!

Bob Martin

Challenge Ministries International
Pastor Bob Martin, President
P.O. Box 32344
Jacksonville, Florida 32237
(904) 880-3500


Challenge Ministries International © 2010