Prayer Guide

I am personally convinced that the only hope for our nation is personal repentance and national repentance. Now, while we will never get the whole nation to repent of her sins, we, as the people of God can repent on behalf of our nation, as well as for our own individual sins. With that in mind, let me appeal to those of you who know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior to join me in prayer for our nation.

And, as we do so, let us first confess any unconfessed, un-repented sins in our own lives. Let us bring before the throne of grace any known sin in our lives, and repent of them as we ask the Lord to forgive us as individuals. Then, we can approach the throne of God on behalf of our nation.

Following are national prayer items I would like to encourage you to pray with me.

Let us pray:

  • Asking God to forgive us for having remained strangely silent as abortion on demand became a part of our national life and protected by the courts.
  • Asking God to reveal Himself in love to homosexuals, to open their hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be born again. To have their minds and hearts renewed in love and service to Him as stated in the scriptures, and, let us confess as sin the inroads that such a lifestyle has made in the culture of our nation, due largely to the spiritual apathy, lethargy and prayer-less-ness of the Church.
  • Asking God to give us a majority of Godly leadership in the Senate and Congress whether Democrat or Republican. Leadership that embraces biblical values and makes them a rule of life.
  • Asking God to give us a majority on the Supreme Court, and at every level of the judiciary in our nation of Godly judges who themselves embrace biblical values and make them a rule of law. Judges that interpret law in alignment with the original intent of the Constitution of the United States which itself reflected biblical values.
  • Asking God to destroy the “Spiritual Stronghold of Abortion and Homosexuality” in America.
  • Asking God to reveal all the “spiritual works of wickedness in high places” both in the political and spiritual life of our nation.
  • Asking God to purge, purify and refine the pulpits of America, and through such purging, purifying and refining, to bring revival to America.

I believe, based on the Word of God, that, if God’s people will give themselves to holy living, and intercession on behalf of our nation and our leadership, in the spiritual, legislative and judicial life of the nation, we ca take back much of the ground that has been lost. Please join me in praying these matters in a consistent manner, in your private prayer closet, your Sunday school classes, and in your churches. And may God Bless you as you do.

Challenge Ministries International
Pastor Bob Martin, President
P.O. Box 32344
Jacksonville, Florida 32237
(904) 880-3500


Challenge Ministries International © 2010