Prayer Agenda

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap: but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)

The battle rages for the soul of America. The Supreme Court, the Senate nor the Congress cannot, or will not win the battle. It rages with respect not only to our national security, but also for the security of our homes, and marriages. Even denominations and churches are at risk. Christians are the only line of defense that can win this war, and it must be won by repentant Christians, on their knees, praying specifically. The following items are specific items that need to be prayed, must be prayed. Please get others to join you in Small Group Fellowships and keep these matters before the throne of God until we see victory. Keep II Chronicles 7:14 in mind as you pray, and may God richly bless you and yours as you do so.

  • Pray, asking God to purge, purify and refine the Preachers, Pastors and pulpits of America, and in so doing to bring a Spirit let, Spirit anointed, spiritual awakening revival to America.
  • Pray, asking God to deliver us from evil in the Senate, Congress and judicial system of America, by removing from office those that are being used by Satan to implement the Satanic agenda in this nation.
  • Pray, asking God to provide us with leadership in the Senate, Congress, and in the Governors’ offices across this nation who are born again, Spirit anointed, and Spirit led, and who are leaders “after God’s own heart.”
  • Pray, asking God to remove from judicial offices those who are being used by Satanic agenda in this nation.
  • Pray, asking God to provide us with judges who will judge after the dictates of God’s own heart.
  • Pray, asking God to reverse all legislative edicts, all judicial decisions and all executive orders that serve to promote the agenda of Satan in America.
  • Pray, asking God to tear down the “strongholds” of abortion, homosexuality, perversion and every false religion in America.

Now, child of God, you have to realize that every single item on the Prayer Guide is in accordance with the word of God, it is therefore the will of God! And, we know from the scriptures, that, when we pray, in accordance with the will of God, He hears and answers our prayers.

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us.” (I John 5:14)

Our problem has been, that for far too long, we have prayed exceedingly egocentric, self-centered, self-serving prayers.

And, if it be true, that God for the most part permits what His people permit, we have permitted far too much, for far too long.

Let us give ourselves to holy, Godly, consecrated, committed living asking God to give us governmental leadership and a judiciary that will lead and judge in accordance with His desires, and, know as we do so that we are surely praying in accordance with His will, and can accordingly expect Him, in due time, to answer our prayers.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)

Be encourage child of God, for according to Ephesians 2:6 you are seated in Christ Jesus in heavenly places at the right hand of God. That, my dear friend is your position of “spiritual authority.” Use it!! You are the best God has to work with, and, as a member of the body of Christ, you are a part of the last line of defense against Satan and his agenda in this day. Be blessed as you pray!!!

Challenge Ministries International
Pastor Bob Martin, President
P.O. Box 32344
Jacksonville, Florida 32237
(904) 880-3500


Challenge Ministries International © 2010